Christmas recipe serves: 6 calories per serving: 450 preparation time: 15 minutes cooking time: 20 minutes not suitable for freezing Christmas recipe ingredients: chestnuts, peeled cooked, 175 g (6 oz) tomatoes, cherry 75 g (3 oz) bacon, rindless streaky, 175 g (6 oz) lamb, 3 racks trimmed, 900 g (2 lb) garlic, 3 cloves pepper olive oil, 100 ml (4 fl oz) parsley, finely chopped fresh, 60 ml (4 tbsp) caster sugar, 10 ml (2 tsp) balsamic vinegar, 30 ml (2 tbsp) garnish, flat leaf parsley Christmas recipe instructions: 1. Rub the lamb with garlic and finely coat with pepper. Cut the tomatoes in half and the chestnuts into rough pieces. 2. Cook the lamb racks, having placed the bacon on top, at gas mark 9 (240 degrees centigrade, 475 F) for about 20 minutes or for about 30 minutes for well done.
3. For the relish; mix balsamic vinegar, sugar, parsley and the remaining garlic (peeled and crushed) with the olive oil. Then add the cherry tomatoes and chestnuts. 4.
To complete the relish add the liquid from step 2 to the step 4 product. 5. Serve the lamb in six pieces wity the relish, garnished with parsley.
By: Paul Curran